Thursday, July 9, 2009

Keeping up with Technology

Got the new iPhone and am learning (slowly! and with the help of some teenage neighbors) all the applications that this phone can do besides telephoning--it's like having a computer, a gps system, a video camera, a palm pilot--a virtual assistant in one device!!

I'm not selling these phones, am just amazed at what technology is available in a small, compact design!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Dawn of a New Day!

We celebrated July 4th this past weekend, 10 days or so after the passing of several celebrities--Michael Jackon's passing has received most of the media attention, due to his talent as a performer, his international audience, and his personal life and tribulations. While I don't want to diminish Jackson's talent, it seems to me that the accolades and tributes, which are
STILL ongoing , surpass his actual legacy, as he was NOT a leader of a country, nor a spiritual icon....and, ...yet, the tributes continue, and projections are that his estate will make more money than he did while he was, what does that say about our society and our need to idolize celebrities?...and what does any of this have to do with real estate?

Michael Jackson's Neverland estate had gone into foreclosure proceedings a year or so before our current economic collapse! It's my understanding that it was saved from being foreclosed on, but that someone of his great wealth could become a foreclosed homeowner was an 'eerie' prediction of what we're living through right now. Ed McMahon at age 86 was about to lose his home to foreclosure--this after a lifetime of TV promotional work and at wages that must've been 'above average' earnings.

So, the lesson here? Save more? Spend less?...or, is the lesson that maybe there's a basic flaw in our system?... that these two very wealthy people could almost lose their homes, where does that leave the average American homeowner? Current predictions are that up to 4 million Americans will lose their homes (or will have lost their homes) before the economy turns around--those numbers are staggering, to say the least, and the next wave of foreclosures is going to be in the 'high end' of the market, the luxury homes.

So, the dawn of a new day, is us taking responsibility for our actions;prosecuting and jailing those wall street crooks(other than Madoff, is anyone else even targeted?!) that encouraged the mortgage brokerages to make loans, knowing the loans would go bad. With this 4th of July celebration, let's all set our intentions for appreciation of true independence and true justice, and true FREEDOM!